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Activating & Uplifting through Light Codes & Love

The Languages of Lights,
The Languages of All

Sacred Circuit Symbol of the Day Brought to us by Bashar, the Sacred Circuitry Symbols were handed down by Sirius, to the Yahyel, to the Sassani, and now to Earth. They represent transformational tools that work at the brain level of conciousness.

~We're all timeless living lights~

Jan 11, 2025, 1:11 PM CST
Online Zoom Webinar
Join Wendy and Dave to celebrate 9 years of Languages Of Lights and share messages from the Council of 9, as well as other discussions about the energies and powers of 9!

Light Language Journals, Notebooks, Calendars and more!

3d book scene - bunch of books.png

We want to know when you can hang out with us!

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Click the button above to start!

For a very limited time, Wendy is offering a free 45 minute session to anyone interested in allowing Wendy to use clips of the video session for promotional purposes to be able to share with others what a session with her is like.  Click BOOK, below, if interested.  Thank you!

Angel Feather Sun Activaion Light Codes White Magic

About the Languages of Lights

Light Language is a Quantum Tool of Pure Intention, which can access and affect all space / time / dimensions (physical, non-physical and parallel realities). This is why Light Language is powerful in so many ways. Also, anyone can express Light Language!

The usages and benefits of Light Languages are all-encompassing and the applications are truly limitless. Because they are multidimensional & energetic languages, we can experience them through any of our senses (as a multi-sensory experience, including extrasensory perception & psychic senses).

Light Languages help align us with the truth and remembrance of how far and long our Souls have traveled and learned throughout "time." Languages that resonate deeply within us may sound familiar, igniting memories and reconnecting us with who we know we really are.


Blocked emotions and energies can be released, dormant DNA can be activated, chakras can be aligned, and intuitive abilities can be enhanced through the harmonic vibrations of Light Languages (and this is just the beginning)!

We are all a language of light, of sound, of color, of energy.

Light Languages remind us of the harmonic interconnectedness of all things.

Light Languages and Light Language are energetic high frequency languages which speak directly to the heart-space, soul, and subconscious, however they directly bypass the logical mind. The energy transmitted through these languages when spoken, written or sung, can energetically assist all life in raising vibrations for healing, thriving and expanding.

We ALL have the ability to use Light Languages to facilitate great change in ourselves and our physical environment... intentionally creating higher vibrational realities for our Highest Soul Growth❤

Intuitive Services



Channeled Sacred Symbols imbued with

ancient & Akashic knowledge and your Intentions,

uplifting your reality & connecting you with your Soul Truth


Private and Group Sessions hold

a Sacred Space for your conscious expansion

Sun Activation Light Codes reflection in water
Light Language Activation symbol Self Empowerment


Empower yourself with your Light Language ability by learning how you can apply its limitless benefits in your life & environment, energetically assisting All That Is

For frequent Light Language videos,
Galactic Gatherings, newest channelings and blessings...

Subscribe to Languages of Lights on YouTube

Just wow! Expanded awareness to Know Thyself Amplification & acceleration of manifestation indeed!

Just wow! Expanded awareness to Know Thyself Amplification & acceleration of manifestation indeed!

#amplification #energy #march #manifestation #miracle #channelingManifestation MORE March Magnification and. acceleration of consciousness with Wendy Wendy's Website: Languages of Lights For personal 1:1 Zoom private, couples & group sessions, channeling Spiritual Guidance, & Light Language Activations & Consultations, Oracle parties, online and public channeling events, Artwork and Light Code Journals Join me for Bashar's 7~Day x 7 Weeks Master Class Know ThySelf ~ Investigate & Reveal Who YOU Are! 7 week Playlist: #lightlanguage #consciousness #languagesoflights #opencontactspecialist #interstellarexploration #galacticambassador #spaceexploration #stars #extraterrestrial #consciousness​ #awareness​ #spirituality​ #manifestation​ #lawofattraction​ #selfdiscovery​ #creativity​ #mindfulness​ #partnership​ #mentorship​ #transformation​ #innerjourney​ #soulfulgrowth​ #consciousliving​ #empowerment​ #creativeexpression​ #reflection​ #alignment​ #authenticity​ #community​ #selfimprovement​ #motivation​ #success​ #inspiration​ #meditation​ #selfcare​ #personaldevelopment​ #ego​ #spiritual​ #higherself​ #god​ #faith​ #mindful​ #healing​ #heal​ #healed​ #light​ #love​ #harmony​ #peace​ #reality​ #universe​ #self​ #service​ #gift​ #contemplation​ #stoicism​ #stoic​ #truth​ #true​ #entrepreneur​ #entrepreneurship​ #business​ #mindset​ #purpose​ #courage​ #honor​ #bravery​ #design​ #desire​ #want​ #vision​ #incarnation​ #soul​ #density​ #dimensions​ #hero​ #trueself​ #acceptance​ #forgiveness​ #live​ #heroic​ #egodeath​ #depression​ #anxiety​ #struggle​ #suffering​ #innertransformation​ #individual​ #personalgrowth​ #persona​ #heart​ #hearttouching​ #heartfelt​ #problem​ #problemsolving​ #freedom​ #beliefsystems​ #brainwash​ #mindcontrol​ #problems​ #illusion​ #dream​ #mirage​ #illusions​ #maya​ #depression​ #depressed​ #meditationtechniques​ #logic​ #logical​ #direct​ #truthful​ #wealth​ #wealthy​ #abundance​ #abundantlife​ #free​ #money​ #moneymindset​ #lifestyledesign​ #lifestyle​ #rich​ #richlifestyle​ #richlife​ #motivate​ #beautiful​ #best​ #beauty​ #channel​ #spiritualawakening​ #spiritualjourney​ #frequency​ #vibes​ #vibration​ #positivevibes​ #positivity​ #positivethinking​ #guide​ #guidance​ #teaching​ #teacher​ #teach​ #learn​ #learning​ #startup​ #team​ #energy​ #blockages​ #energyhealing​ #synchronicity​ #miracle​ #miraculous​ #wisdom​ #wise​ #energyreading​ #energyblocks​ #emotional​ #stuck​ #resistance​ #liberation​ #attractive​ #attraction​ #magnetic​ #compelling​ #magic​ #mystery​ #mystic​ #romantic​ #romanticstatus​ #romance​ #truelove​ #godslove​ #overwhelmed​ #restlessness​ #restless​ #mind​ #mindset​ #mindsetshift​ #mindless​ #mindlessness​ #economy​ #ecommerce​ #economize​ #onlineclasses​ #onlinebusiness​ #entrepreneurlife​ #protocol​ #quantum​ #metaphysics​ #habits​ #environment​ #mindseye​ #boundaries​ #priorities​ #limit​ #limitless​ #unlimited​ #selfconcept​ #humandesign​ #generator​ #manifestor​ #projector​ #reflector​ #genekeys​ #yes​ #yeshua​ #instantmanifestation​ #timeless​ #eternallife​ #wishfulfillments​ #vortex​ #game​ #gamification​ #gameplay​ #games​ #gamer​ #selfsabotage​ #sabotage​ #saboteur​ #imposter​ #impostersyndrome​ #selfdoubt​ #thrive​ #thriving​ #receive​ #receiving​ #successful​ #success​ #successmindset​ #creativeexpression​ #create​ #createyourself​ #authenticity​ #liberation​ #absolute​ #inspiration​ #meditationtechniques​ #mindfulnessmeditation​ #wageslave​ #fearless​ #startup​ #artist​ #fear​ #avoid​ #avoidance​ #calling​
Magnification of Manifesting Miracles in your life Channeling the Emissaries of the Light Collective

Magnification of Manifesting Miracles in your life Channeling the Emissaries of the Light Collective

#5d #4d #manifestation #miracle #channeling #atlantis #lemurian Manifestation Magnification of Miracles Channeling the Emissaries of the Light Collective with Wendy In today's Channeled Guidance, the Emissaries of the Light Collective, remind us of our interconnectedness to each other and all of Creation, and how our observations of Creation expand our perspective of awareness. Wendy's Website: Languages of Lights For personal 1:1 Zoom private, couples & group sessions, channeling Spiritual Guidance, & Light Language Activations & Consultations, Oracle parties, online and public channeling events, Artwork and Light Code Journals #lightlanguage #consciousness #languagesoflights #opencontactspecialist #interstellarexploration #galacticambassador #spaceexploration #stars #extraterrestrial #consciousness​ #awareness​ #spirituality​ #manifestation​ #lawofattraction​ #selfdiscovery​ #creativity​ #mindfulness​ #partnership​ #mentorship​ #transformation​ #innerjourney​ #soulfulgrowth​ #consciousliving​ #empowerment​ #creativeexpression​ #reflection​ #alignment​ #authenticity​ #community​ #selfimprovement​ #motivation​ #success​ #inspiration​ #meditation​ #selfcare​ #personaldevelopment​ #ego​ #spiritual​ #higherself​ #god​ #faith​ #mindful​ #healing​ #heal​ #healed​ #light​ #love​ #harmony​ #peace​ #reality​ #universe​ #self​ #service​ #gift​ #contemplation​ #stoicism​ #stoic​ #truth​ #true​ #entrepreneur​ #entrepreneurship​ #business​ #mindset​ #purpose​ #courage​ #honor​ #bravery​ #design​ #desire​ #want​ #vision​ #incarnation​ #soul​ #density​ #dimensions​ #hero​ #trueself​ #acceptance​ #forgiveness​ #live​ #heroic​ #egodeath​ #depression​ #anxiety​ #struggle​ #suffering​ #innertransformation​ #individual​ #personalgrowth​ #persona​ #heart​ #hearttouching​ #heartfelt​ #problem​ #problemsolving​ #freedom​ #beliefsystems​ #brainwash​ #mindcontrol​ #problems​ #illusion​ #dream​ #mirage​ #illusions​ #maya​ #depression​ #depressed​ #meditationtechniques​ #logic​ #logical​ #direct​ #truthful​ #wealth​ #wealthy​ #abundance​ #abundantlife​ #free​ #money​ #moneymindset​ #lifestyledesign​ #lifestyle​ #rich​ #richlifestyle​ #richlife​ #motivate​ #beautiful​ #best​ #beauty​ #channel​ #spiritualawakening​ #spiritualjourney​ #frequency​ #vibes​ #vibration​ #positivevibes​ #positivity​ #positivethinking​ #guide​ #guidance​ #teaching​ #teacher​ #teach​ #learn​ #learning​ #startup​ #team​ #energy​ #blockages​ #energyhealing​ #synchronicity​ #miracle​ #miraculous​ #wisdom​ #wise​ #energyreading​ #energyblocks​ #emotional​ #stuck​ #resistance​ #liberation​ #attractive​ #attraction​ #magnetic​ #compelling​ #magic​ #mystery​ #mystic​ #romantic​ #romanticstatus​ #romance​ #truelove​ #godslove​ #overwhelmed​ #restlessness​ #restless​ #mind​ #mindset​ #mindsetshift​ #mindless​ #mindlessness​ #economy​ #ecommerce​ #economize​ #onlineclasses​ #onlinebusiness​ #entrepreneurlife​ #protocol​ #quantum​ #metaphysics​ #habits​ #environment​ #mindseye​ #boundaries​ #priorities​ #limit​ #limitless​ #unlimited​ #selfconcept​ #humandesign​ #generator​ #manifestor​ #projector​ #reflector​ #genekeys​ #yes​ #yeshua​ #instantmanifestation​ #timeless​ #eternallife​ #wishfulfillments​ #vortex​ #game​ #gamification​ #gameplay​ #games​ #gamer​ #selfsabotage​ #sabotage​ #saboteur​ #imposter​ #impostersyndrome​ #selfdoubt​ #thrive​ #thriving​ #receive​ #receiving​ #successful​ #success​ #successmindset​ #creativeexpression​ #create​ #createyourself​ #authenticity​ #liberation​ #absolute​ #inspiration​ #meditationtechniques​ #mindfulnessmeditation​ #wageslave​ #fearless​ #startup​ #artist​ #fear​ #avoid​ #avoidance​ #calling​

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