11.22.2020...11 1111 11 11 =10=1 ...We Are All One...
It is with the utmost excitement that I bring to you, this Manifestation of Co~Created collaboration (haha say that 3 times😘) with my friend and fellow Light Weaver, Ivan Perez...our first Oracle reading in both English and Spanish. Ever Since I began speaking Light Languages it has been my Highest expression of Joy and Excitement to bring these channelings and messages from our Guides, physical and non-physical, in as many ways as I am InSpired, to emit the Frequency of Harmony to hUmaNITY in every way I am guided by demonstrating by Synchronicities.. that ALL THINGS ARE CONNECTED.
One of which was bringing these Channelings, Light Language Transmissions and Oracle Messages to those that may not be familiar with receving Spiritual Guidance in this manner, and to those that not only do not speak my native language of English, but also to share these Messages of Empowerment to the sight, hearing, vocally and/or physically impaired. With that said, if you have any ideas on how we can collaborate to Manifest Higher Consciousness Education through these ideas, please feel free to contact me.
🎼In Divine Grace, Gratitude and Harmony,
'Mahala' ~ "The Light Within You Illuminates the Light Within Me and the Light Within Me Illuminates the Light Within You"...
"All Creation speaks the Languages of Lights"...The Emissaries of the Light Collective Consciousness 🙏💜💎💫
Universal Law of Existance #3 ~ The One IS the All and the All are The ONE...~Bashar~